To reach your leadership potential, you need to be a fearless, bold, and effective coach. Aspirational, right? Check out 7 strategies that will help you become the manager your employees (and company) need you to be: Talk less, listen more We have two ears but only one mouth; great managers should keep that ratio in mind as they help employees grow. Instead of talking at employees, use that time to listen.

They all have career ambitions they’d like to achieve, but that won’t happen if managers are more focused on their points of view. As a manager, you should guide the discussion, but ultimately, it’s the employee’s voice that needs to be heard. Play to your (and your team’s) strengths Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses can really change how you coach and give feedback. While you, the manager, might be a great verbal communicator, you’ll need to acknowledge when your direct reports may not have the same skills. Tailor your relationship to what enables them to be the most open about their goals; if possible, leverage your learning & development solution to strategically address weaknesses and encourage their personal growth