Driving festive

The holiday season is the most joyful time of the year, and for retailers, it’s also the busiest. For consumers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), it’s one of the most hectic periods as they juggle festive preparation and gift-buying with their regular schedules. The festive season continues to be a period where consumers are making purchases, with 8 in 10 EMEA holiday shoppers saying they spent more or the same in 2021, as compared to 20201.

Post-pandemic, today’s retailers are under increasing pressure as they need to adapt to support the needs and buying behaviors of customers in order to build long-term brand loyalty. With one in two festive shoppers in EMEA valuing a personalized online shopping experience2, it is important to provide consumers shoppers in EMEA valuing a personalized online shopping experience2, it is important to provide consumers with a tailored experience that keeps them engaged throughout their festive shopping journey – be it discovery, purchase or post-purchase.

To drive effective engagement, you need a strong business messaging strategy.

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